Univision Democratic debate — BASTA edition

I’m grateful to the junior senator from Florida for not disrupting traffic patterns at my university. Interviewed by Kendall boy Chuck Todd, Marco Rubio looked uncharacteristically relaxed; about all he knows well is how to spot a Hialeah accent, only don’t tell the hometown crowd that hasn’t seen the Brown Wonder since his triumphant thirdContinue reading “Univision Democratic debate — BASTA edition”

The case against Marco Rubio

It’s Suntory time for Marco Rubio. As GOP panjandrums panic over the probability of nominating the man who distills their party’s stoking of ancient white hurts, the Floridian whelp in Papi’s JCPenny coat looks like the moderate salve. A passionate student on the intercampus shuttle made it clear this afternoon to two liberal passengers. “ForgetContinue reading “The case against Marco Rubio”

South Carolina: Here we are

Nicole Wallace is terrified. Imagining the double vodkas she’s going to chug in a couple hours, George W. Bush’s former communications director assured Bryan Williams, Rachel Maddow, and Andrea Mitchell that Republican voters will reject the “crass” and ugly rhetoric of the person who tweeted the remark above. In two sentences Donald Trump insulted BarackContinue reading “South Carolina: Here we are”

Rubio: He works hard for his money

I write about Marco Rubio because as the Jeb Bush campaign is reduced to advising children to read Jon Meacham’s biography on his old man the junior senator from Florida may make what the pundits call a strong showing in South Carolina. Two stories remind me that he doesn’t qualify as a senator. Floridian maybe.Continue reading “Rubio: He works hard for his money”

On Rubiotronics and superdelegates

Larison’s obituary for Rubiotron 4000: Tonight’s results put the lie to the idea that he is one of the most viable competitors for the nomination. His bad result shows that he isn’t effective at winning over Republican voters in a larger presidential primary electorate, and it undermines his claim to be the best candidate forContinue reading “On Rubiotronics and superdelegates”

‘I think you should have the law changed by the legislature’

Forty-eight hours after a debate performance that forced Beltway hacks to consider whether his handlers had inserted the correct 5 1/4 floppy disk into the Rubiotron 4000, this advanced cybernetic system registered another leaden moment in New Hampshire: Man: “I’m a gay man, already married. I’m already married, have been for a long time. AndContinue reading “‘I think you should have the law changed by the legislature’”

The Rubio meltdown

Half sober in an Uber vehicle last night, I opened my phone and saw several dozen updates on the junior senator from Florida’s evaporation at the GOP “debate” — he opened his mouth, let the recording in his larynx module speak words that approximated English, and repeated words under stress: “Let’s dispel with this fictionContinue reading “The Rubio meltdown”

GOP debate: Justice Barack Obama edition

Having a couple drinks with a friend, I forgot about this boondoggle. Let’s give it a shot, pun intended. 11 p.m. Marco Rubio croaks nonsense about American porch lights getting switched on again when he’s president. 10:57. Saints preserve us, Ben Carson recites the Preamble to the Constitution, and I hold my breath, as oneContinue reading “GOP debate: Justice Barack Obama edition”

The indoctrination camps from which Marco Rubio will save us

Go to hell, you smug pieces of shit: MUSCATINE, Iowa — It was the same question, on the same topic, asked on the same day to two different candidates: How, as president, would you hold down the crushing cost of a college education? Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey gave an operatic, eight-minute answer inContinue reading “The indoctrination camps from which Marco Rubio will save us”

Marco Rubio, a confused man

“I have followed presidential politics fairly closely for at least the last sixteen years, and other than Giuliani I can’t recall any candidate attempting to do anything like what Rubio is doing right now,” Daniel Larison asks, exasperated. Bloomberg: But less than six weeks before the first votes of the race will be cast, RubioContinue reading “Marco Rubio, a confused man”

Rubio: ‘It’s this book about Churchill. It’s really long’

And now a word from the thoughtful, serious candidate in which GOP establishment satraps have cast their hopes should Donald Trump and Ben Carson fall and Ted Cruz’s assholism prove untenable: Hillary Clinton favors an activist American foreign policy, and Rubio mentioned to me that he was rereading “The Last Lion,” by William Manchester. HeContinue reading “Rubio: ‘It’s this book about Churchill. It’s really long’”

Marco Rubio and his finances

This subject, about which careful Rubio watchers in Florida now something, appears in the opp research file of several GOP primary opponents: As speaker of the Florida House, Rubio was one of about a half-dozen lawmakers given Republican Party of Florida credit cards. During the Senate race, the Times/Herald obtained Rubio’s statements from 2006 andContinue reading “Marco Rubio and his finances”