Now we’re in for it…

Although as of this moment the Senate has halted forward motion on Millionaires Bailout Act II, the enthusiasm of Susan Collins and John McCain adduce a general caviling to the wishes of the donor class that represents the true GOP base (I never thought I’d credit NPR’s Mara Liasson for pith: Donald Trump gives his white working class base those angry racist tweets, while his fiscal and foreign policies are for Republican plutocrats like him, Tillerson, Mnuchin, et. al). Among the horrors in the bill:

1. Individuals in every tax bracket below $75,000 will experience a year in which they record a net loss — meaning they’ll pay more in taxes, experience diminished services, or both — by 2027;

2. A permanent lowering of the corporate tax rate, to 20 percent from 35 percent;

3. Rescinding student tuition waver and taxing investment earnings from university endowments;

3. Eliminating the requirement to buy health care, aka the individual mandate, which will send insurance costs skyward toward the Christian and Jewish god whom the plutocrats worship on Sundays;

4. Repealing a 1954 law preventing churches and nonprofits from engaging in political activity.

5. Opening Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Preserve for drilling;

6. Creating a tax break for private school tuition while taxing income paid for public schools through local taxes.

And those are the easy gleans. Don’t talk to me about deficits. It’s a bad idea for Senate Dems — not all of them — to insist that this thing will Blow Up the Deficit. We know what’s coming. When the deficit blows up, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and the tired wretched bodies of the poor are next — if any rubble is left standing when this excrescence is signed. My home senator, the Plankton with a Hair Piece, admitted as much.

Keep calling your representatives, y’all. I did my part this afternoon.

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