Marco Rubio: ‘The guy who would show up late’

Because I love to read tales of implosion:

Rubio’s handling of the Gang of Eight negotiations might offer a window into his executive style. “He was the guy who would show up late, leave early and leave the dirty work to his staff,” recalls one aide who worked behind the scenes on the bill. “You’d have a situation where all the members would be in the room and a couple of senators would be arguing, and then Rubio’s staffer would be arguing, while Rubio would be sitting back with a Cheshire-cat grin on his face, watching.”

To the shock of many people who were involved with the bill, Rubio outsourced the bulk of the negotiations to a close friend and hired gun, Miami attorney Enrique Gonzalez. While hiring experts is far from unusual, Gonzalez is an attorney at one of the most prominent corporate immigration law firms in the country, and Rubio made him the head of his team. “Enrique’s role was to make sure the business community loved this bill and knew who it was who took care of them,” says the aide. “From a political standpoint, that was a smart play. But it was also incredibly irresponsible, a case study in the donor class controlling our politics. And what it says about what kind of president Rubio would be is quite frightening.” This is why Trump’s attacks on Rubio have resonated – “He’s right,” the staffer continues. “The establishment looks at him and says, ‘He’ll play ball.’ And the immigration bill is evidence of that.”

With less than eight months left in his first term, the junior senator from Florida’s politcal career ends. Why don’t I think he’s got a second life? It’s possible that Donald Trump’s xenophobia will be so cataclysmic in November that Rubio will be Brown-Skinned Wonder again in 2020.

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