Errant nonsense

George Will’s wife is looking for a new he-man employer. This explains a column that contains a higher percentage than usual of his moronic insights:

Paris was for all Americans, but especially for Republicans, a summons to seriousness that should have two immediate impacts on the Republican presidential contest. It should awaken the party’s nominating electorate from its reveries about treating the presidency as an entry-level job. And it should cause Republicans to take another look at Chris Christie, beginning with his speech in Florida the day after the Paris attacks.

My thoughts exactly. Chris Christie will spray ISIS terrorists with the venom he perfected yelling at the most dangerous threat to American national security, public school teachers. After which Will, to demonstrate what a creep and unfeeling lizard he is, stops to make fun of a German mourner for playing “Imagine.”

Lennon, as bad a political thinker as he was a grammarian, never learned this: Countries, meaning nation-states, are, for all their shortcoming and dangers, indispensable for making self-government possible and secure.

Shit, he’s right, why didn’t John learn this in school? Instead of writing songs and forming the Beatles, he should’ve been reading Montesquieu badly to get a job as the Washington Post’s GOP house boy.

Recall the question Ronald Reagan posed to voters at the conclusion of his single debate with President Jimmy Carter a week before the 1980 election: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? The electorate’s answer was emphatic.

I recall when you prepped Reagan for the debate, helped immeasurably by notes purloined from the Carter campaign, and later went on ABC News and praised his performance.

For an example of pluperfect unseriousness,

…look at the byline, a man who needs inapposite polysyllabic words like some men need sex.

Every day that such errant nonsense sloshes through the Republican nominating contest is a day when the party’s claim to represent what the country craves — adult supervision — becomes less credible.

Oh, “errant nonsense” isn’t this column?

Fortunately, sufficient days remain for Republicans to reshuffle the deck, to relegate Trump’s rampaging to the nation’s mental attic, and to recognize in Christie a serious political talent.

Fuck you too, asshole.

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