On David Cronenberg

Introducing Slant Magazine‘s own list of David Cronenberg’s best work, Chuck Bowen praises the Canadian director’s “uncommon authorial focus, directness and clarity, which is reflected by the films’ deceptively unfussy, nearly sculptural mise-en-scène (honed in significant part with a group of longtime collaborators).” I noted in my review of Cosmopolis his obsession with the gleam of appliances. One of his innovations, based on The Brood, Videodrome, The Fly, and so on, is to treat appliances like people and people like appliances, or, further, to see the purposeful emotion-free nature of machines as a trait inherent in humans too.

For Cronenberg writing on this blog, click here.

The Hague

M. Butterfly


Maps to the Stars

Sound, Solid

The Dead Zone
Crimes of the Future
The Brood
Eastern Promises

Good to Great

Dead Ringers
The Fly
Naked Lunch
A History of Violence
A Dangerous Method

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