The indoctrination camps from which Marco Rubio will save us

Go to hell, you smug pieces of shit:

MUSCATINE, Iowa — It was the same question, on the same topic, asked on the same day to two different candidates: How, as president, would you hold down the crushing cost of a college education?

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey gave an operatic, eight-minute answer in which he derided rock-climbing walls as an extravagant campus fad, disclosed in minute detail his children’s tuition bill for the year ($120,500), poked fun at his weight and imagined a hypothetical showdown in which he told his 19-year-old daughter she could not return to the University of Notre Dame because of the price tag.

“After the crying, the stamping of the feet, the running upstairs, and slamming of door, the ‘you are ruining my life’ — you know what we are going to do,” he said to knowing laughs. “We are going to figure out a way, any way we can, to make it work.”

At a campaign stop 70 miles away, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida gave an answer half as long. Mr. Rubio efficiently, almost mechanically, ticked through his three-point plan to allow students to use work experience for class credit (in his words, “competency-based learning”), let private investors pay for tuition and make colleges divulge which majors yield the best-paying jobs. He concluded with a dark assessment of liberal arts colleges as “indoctrination camps” protected by the political left “because all their friends work there.”

A governor of a large state’s rhetoric meets the rhetoric of the junior senator from Florida, whose own state’s governor has ordered a jobs-first attitude towards higher education.

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